PSPDPD Policies - a case study
Adams Integra has been retained by South Gloucestershire Council to test any viability impact, arising from the policies set out in the Proposed Submission Policies, Sites and Places Development Plan Document (PSPDPD), dated March 2015.
We recently produced our final report for the Council which summarised our valuation outcomes, from which we conclude on viability. This report is available in the public domain and follows our viability report dated April 2014, further particulars of which can be found on the relevant section of our site.
The report summarised which of the fifty-two policies impacted on viability. The basis of our conclusions was carefully justified in our forty-page report, in non-technical terminology for readers without lengthy experience in viability to understand.
If you have any queries, similar viability study requirements or otherwise then we await your correspondence via the Contact Us section of our site.