Our Services
Affordable Housing
For Rapport Housing and Care (formerly Abbeyfield Kent Society), we are working with them to deliver five large mixed tenure extra care housing schemes. Extra care housing is for people over fifty-five who need at least a minimum of care and support assistance.
Typically a scheme consists of fifty-five wheelchair accessible apartments with communal facilities including a restaurant, therapy room, activities room and a spa/assisted bathroom.
We are additionally adept at:
Site finding for developers and RPs,
SHG Funding from HCA or GLA – bidding writing and contract administration (including IMS),
Developing strategies, plans and running liaison
Recycled grant or RCGF (and financial planning for development) for RPs,
IMS loading and claiming grant at SOS and PC,
Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs),
Procurement options (including setting up OJEU frameworks),
Compliant Development Procedures, development and sustainability strategies.
We have also set up new RPs including for profit RP subsidiaries of private developers (including providing suite of HCA-compliant policies and procedures and assisting with business plans) for Shanly Homes and First Base house-builders.
Adams Integra have assisted Housing Associations who have received capital grant allocations from the HCA (pending rename to Homes England) and GLA (pending) to deliver new extra care Affordable Rented and shared ownership accommodation.
We have formalised HCA contract administration, HCA Liaison (quarterly/annual review meetings) and IMS.
Our team has a wide range of expertise in this housing sector, fulfilling the above for Registered Providers/Housing Associations as outlined in one of our case studies.
We have acted as Grant Recipient’s Representative and submitted requisite progress updates on IMS. Included in our proposal to clients would be the optional liberties of attendance at project meetings, liaison with LA Housing Departments and liaison with valuers for updates to Affordable Rent, shared ownership and market valuations.
We have also advised on marketing and leases for the sale of extra care market sale and market rent housing and shared ownership.
Introduction to Affordable Housing Viability Assessments
An affordable housing viability assessment is undertaken as part of the planning process of a new housing development. A viability consultant will review the costs associated with the proposed development and advise the Local Authority the level of affordable housing that can viably be sustained.
Please see our video for a brief summary of the process.